Saturday, February 26, 2011
So I am finally learning a bit about how all this blog stuff works and decided I needed to break away from the simple look and upgrade! Of course my very knowledgeable computer savvy husband helped quite a bit but I was able to figure some of it out on my own :). I am pretty pleased with the way it turned out. Hope you like it!!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Buttermilk Pie
I fell in love with buttermilk pie the Thanksgiving Emma was born. My family was all in Texas with us meeting Emma for the first time and we took a trip to Central Market!! (one of my favorite places on Earth...oh how I miss it) They had several buttermilk pies out for Thanksgiving, none of us had ever tried one, and it looked delightful, so we got one and was it ever! I have searched and searched for that exact recipe but have been unsuccessful in finding it. I did find Central Market's blog and their recipe is called Mrs. Paschal's Buttermilk Pie so if anyone ever comes across it, please send it my way!
In my search for this particular recipe, I have come across several different ones. The first one I tried was good but just not the same. But this second recipe I found is not quite as good as Central Market but pretty darn close. I have to credit Crisco for the recipe. I made it this past weekend when my in-laws were visiting and we all thoroughly enjoyed it! I hope you do as well...
Tips: if the pie starts to brown on top before the center seems done, place a foil dome over top the pie so that the foil does not touch the surface of the pie but will prevent it from further browning. Also, the recipe gives instructions for homemade crust but this time I just used a frozen pie crust and it worked just fine!
Buttermilk Pie
1 cup all-purpose flour
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/3 cup Crisco
2 1/2 to 3 tablespoons cold water
1 1/4 cups sugar
2 tablespoons self-rising white corn meal mix
1/2 cup butter, melted
1/3 cup buttermilk
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
3 large eggs, slightly beaten
COMBINE flour and salt in a medium bowl; mix well. Cut in half a mixture with pastry blender or fork until mixture is fine and mealy. Cut in remaining shortening until mixture is consistency of small peas. Sprinkle water over mixture; stir gently with fork until sides pull away from sides of bowl. If some dry particles remain in bottom of bowl, sprinkle with about 1/2 teaspoon water; continue to stir with fork until particles are worked into dough.
SHAPE dough into ball. Flatten dough ball to 1/2-inch thickness., rounding and smoothing edges. Roll out dough on floured surface to 11-inch round. Carefully roll dough around rolling pin. Unroll into a 9-inch pie pan. Fit evenly into pan. Do not stretch. Fold edges under to form standing rim; flute.
HEAT oven to 350 degrees. Combine sugar and corn meal mix in medium bowl; mix well. Add butter, buttermilk, vanilla, and eggs.; blend well. Pour filling into crust-lined pan.
BAKE 40-45 minutes or until knife inserted 1 inch from center comes out clean. Pie will continue to set as it cools. Cool on wire rack for 1 hour or until completely cooled. Serve at room temperature of refrigerate until serving time.
In my search for this particular recipe, I have come across several different ones. The first one I tried was good but just not the same. But this second recipe I found is not quite as good as Central Market but pretty darn close. I have to credit Crisco for the recipe. I made it this past weekend when my in-laws were visiting and we all thoroughly enjoyed it! I hope you do as well...
Tips: if the pie starts to brown on top before the center seems done, place a foil dome over top the pie so that the foil does not touch the surface of the pie but will prevent it from further browning. Also, the recipe gives instructions for homemade crust but this time I just used a frozen pie crust and it worked just fine!
Buttermilk Pie
1 cup all-purpose flour
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/3 cup Crisco
2 1/2 to 3 tablespoons cold water
1 1/4 cups sugar
2 tablespoons self-rising white corn meal mix
1/2 cup butter, melted
1/3 cup buttermilk
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
3 large eggs, slightly beaten
COMBINE flour and salt in a medium bowl; mix well. Cut in half a mixture with pastry blender or fork until mixture is fine and mealy. Cut in remaining shortening until mixture is consistency of small peas. Sprinkle water over mixture; stir gently with fork until sides pull away from sides of bowl. If some dry particles remain in bottom of bowl, sprinkle with about 1/2 teaspoon water; continue to stir with fork until particles are worked into dough.
SHAPE dough into ball. Flatten dough ball to 1/2-inch thickness., rounding and smoothing edges. Roll out dough on floured surface to 11-inch round. Carefully roll dough around rolling pin. Unroll into a 9-inch pie pan. Fit evenly into pan. Do not stretch. Fold edges under to form standing rim; flute.
HEAT oven to 350 degrees. Combine sugar and corn meal mix in medium bowl; mix well. Add butter, buttermilk, vanilla, and eggs.; blend well. Pour filling into crust-lined pan.
BAKE 40-45 minutes or until knife inserted 1 inch from center comes out clean. Pie will continue to set as it cools. Cool on wire rack for 1 hour or until completely cooled. Serve at room temperature of refrigerate until serving time.

Friday, February 18, 2011
4 Generations...
We recently had a wonderful visit from my Mom and Grandma. I always LOVE when my family comes to see us. I am so close to my family and living away from home, I miss them very much. We had a great time simply being together!
My Mom...she is more than a mother, she is a friend. I love talking to her and spending time with her. We share so many interests. After raising, four children, she has such great advice for me as a new mother. Emma adores her Grandma! In fact, while she was here visiting, Emma would go to her Grandma over me! It was the best feeling ever knowing that Emma knew who her Grandma was even though we do not get to see her everyday. I hope that when Emma is grown, she and I have as close a relationship as my mom and I share.
My Grandma...her love for me has been evident for as long as I can remember. When I was little, I wanted nothing more than to be with her and my Grandaddy. She is a wonderful lady and has taught me many things. She has been through so much the last few years as my Grandaddy battled a difficult road with cancer. We lost him almost two years ago now and then Grandma was diagnosed with cancer a little over a year ago. This past summer, we were told Grandma had two weeks to live and yet she continues to fight and was able to fly to Mississippi to visit us!
4 Generations...Sweet and Precious memories of years past, Today's moments,
and Experiences we've yet to share...

Thursday, February 17, 2011
Doctor's Visit...
This week, Emma had her 15 month check-up. Her doctor's appointments are always mixed emotions for me because I love seeing how much she has grown yet each time we go in for a check-up she always gets shots. For such a little girl she always does really well. Of course she cries but recovers quick in her mommy's arms. Yet as she is getting older, simply seeing the doctor walk in the room she starts crying.
So for the most part, this time was no different, cried with every move our doctor made, cried with her shot, and here is where the worst part comes in. They needed to draw some blood to check some of her levels on things so sent us down to the lab. Now I was thinking as little as she was it would just be a finger stick, at least that's how I remember it as a kid. And you would think as a nurse I would realize that going down to the lab meant way more than a finger stick, but it didn't hit me that they would be drawing blood out of my sweet baby's arm until we sat down in the chair with the arm board. Now I don't do well with getting my own blood drawn so I was freaking out inside thinking they were going to stick my baby. I felt so helpless and even though I knew that it was necessary to have these levels drawn I wanted to grab her and run. I could feel my heart racing and my palms were sweating and it only got worse from there. I had to hold Emma's legs between my legs and hold her other arm down while one nurse held the arm down they were sticking and the other nurse drew the blood. Emma was crying like I have never heard her cry. She was fighting me so bad that it took all my strength to hold her down. She was sweating all over, I was crying right along with her, and all I could think was how I was holding my child down letting her feel pain. This isn't right! I'm her mother, I'm supposed to protect her, to keep her from getting hurt, and to comfort her when she does. Yet in that moment, I could do none of these.
It was such a traumatic experience for both of us that afterwards we went to Sonic for a banana milkshake, which made things all better :) As we we sitting there, both of us recovering from the past hour, I kept replaying everything in my mind and the tears came pouring out again. As a mother, to watch your child in that much distress is one of the absolute worst feelings I have ever experienced. I could not handle watching Emma have a small needle stuck in to her arm and yet I started thinking. God watched as nails were driven into is Son's hands and feet. He watched as he was beaten and ridiculed. He watched as a crown of thorns was driven into his head. And ultimately he watched him die. Just like me, he could do nothing but watch so that each of us could live. And to think he would have done it if it would have just been one person he was saving. It is a concept that I have always known but never grasped on the level I did today. Emma is my whole world, and I could not even fathom allowing these things to happen to her. But God did. He loves us all SO much that he gave the ultimate sacrifice. I can't even find the words ...Absolutely amazing...
So for the most part, this time was no different, cried with every move our doctor made, cried with her shot, and here is where the worst part comes in. They needed to draw some blood to check some of her levels on things so sent us down to the lab. Now I was thinking as little as she was it would just be a finger stick, at least that's how I remember it as a kid. And you would think as a nurse I would realize that going down to the lab meant way more than a finger stick, but it didn't hit me that they would be drawing blood out of my sweet baby's arm until we sat down in the chair with the arm board. Now I don't do well with getting my own blood drawn so I was freaking out inside thinking they were going to stick my baby. I felt so helpless and even though I knew that it was necessary to have these levels drawn I wanted to grab her and run. I could feel my heart racing and my palms were sweating and it only got worse from there. I had to hold Emma's legs between my legs and hold her other arm down while one nurse held the arm down they were sticking and the other nurse drew the blood. Emma was crying like I have never heard her cry. She was fighting me so bad that it took all my strength to hold her down. She was sweating all over, I was crying right along with her, and all I could think was how I was holding my child down letting her feel pain. This isn't right! I'm her mother, I'm supposed to protect her, to keep her from getting hurt, and to comfort her when she does. Yet in that moment, I could do none of these.
It was such a traumatic experience for both of us that afterwards we went to Sonic for a banana milkshake, which made things all better :) As we we sitting there, both of us recovering from the past hour, I kept replaying everything in my mind and the tears came pouring out again. As a mother, to watch your child in that much distress is one of the absolute worst feelings I have ever experienced. I could not handle watching Emma have a small needle stuck in to her arm and yet I started thinking. God watched as nails were driven into is Son's hands and feet. He watched as he was beaten and ridiculed. He watched as a crown of thorns was driven into his head. And ultimately he watched him die. Just like me, he could do nothing but watch so that each of us could live. And to think he would have done it if it would have just been one person he was saving. It is a concept that I have always known but never grasped on the level I did today. Emma is my whole world, and I could not even fathom allowing these things to happen to her. But God did. He loves us all SO much that he gave the ultimate sacrifice. I can't even find the words ...Absolutely amazing...

Monday, February 14, 2011
Happy Valentine's Day!
Happy Valentine's Day! What a fun day to celebrate those in our lives we LOVE! Now some may completely disagree with me and feel very alone and even somewhat depressed on this 14th day of February, but I feel Valentine's Day is so much more than celebrating those we intimately love. Growing up my Mom and Dad always made Valentines special for us, always had us a small little gift and a card. We always received cards and sometimes even little gifts from our grandparents. I also exchanged a special little gift with my very best friend for years! So Valentine's Day for me has always been much more than candy and flowers from a special someone. I am constantly reminded of how lucky I am to have so many people in my life that I care about and that care about me, yet Valentines is a day set aside for me to really celebrate all the love in my life. I am SO greatly blessed with the most wonderful family anyone could ask for. I am crazy in love with my husband and there are no words to even describe the love I have for my baby girl. I am blessed to have two wonderful parents who love me more than ever and still are so in love with each other as well as two brothers and a sister whose love I could not live without!! I have amazing grandparents that are such a huge part of my life. I am blessed with friendships I never knew could exist and I love them dearly!! The list could go on and on and on... So rejoice in those you love and who love you on this Valentine's Day and Everyday!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011
A dear friend of mine has requested I post this sweet treat, and I'd have to agree, it is pretty wonderful! Once again, I have to give credit to Paula Deen :) The pudding mixes in this cake make it so moist and light! Enjoy!
Chocolate Chip Pound Cake
4 eggs
1 1/2 cups water
1 tsp vanilla extract
1 package butter cake recipe
1 (3.4oz) package instant vanilla pudding mix
1 (3.4oz) package instant chocolate pudding mix
1/2 cup melted butter
1/4 cup vegetable oil
6-ounces chocolate chips
Confectioners' sugar, for dusting
Preheat the oven 350 degrees. Grease and flour a tube pan or bundt pan. In a mixing bowl, beat the eggs, water, and vanilla by hand. Stir in the cake mix and pudding mixes. Slowly add the butter and oil, and mix well. Stir in the chocolate chips. Pour into the prepared pan. Bake for 50 to 60 minutes. Cool for 10 minutes, then invert onto a cake plate. Sift confectioners' sugar over the cake.
Chocolate Chip Pound Cake
4 eggs
1 1/2 cups water
1 tsp vanilla extract
1 package butter cake recipe
1 (3.4oz) package instant vanilla pudding mix
1 (3.4oz) package instant chocolate pudding mix
1/2 cup melted butter
1/4 cup vegetable oil
6-ounces chocolate chips
Confectioners' sugar, for dusting
Preheat the oven 350 degrees. Grease and flour a tube pan or bundt pan. In a mixing bowl, beat the eggs, water, and vanilla by hand. Stir in the cake mix and pudding mixes. Slowly add the butter and oil, and mix well. Stir in the chocolate chips. Pour into the prepared pan. Bake for 50 to 60 minutes. Cool for 10 minutes, then invert onto a cake plate. Sift confectioners' sugar over the cake.

Thursday, February 3, 2011
15 Months!!
My precious baby is 15 months old today! I have no idea where the time has gone but I am loving each new stage with her. She is really growing into her personality, and while I miss holding her my arms, it is so neat to have her now follow me around the house. Though we have some rough days where she throws some pretty impressive fits (yes she lays down on the ground and buries her head in the floor), I absolutely would not take away any moment we spend together.
Some of my favorite things Emma is doing right now...opening and closing every door she can, mimicking sounds we make, walking to her room and bringing out a book for us to read, tries to drink water out of closed water bottles, laughs at every move our dog Annie makes.
Being a new mommy can sometimes be overwhelming but I learn more and more each day. There are definitely times I get frustrated because I cannot figure out what Emma needs when she is crying or why she gets so easily upset over little things, but now as I look over and she has fell asleep in her Daddy's arms, all those tough times don't even matter. I LOVE everything little thing about this girl. When she reaches up for me and then lays her head on my shoulder or waddles over to me simply to give me a kiss, my heart absolutely melts. I love you sweet baby :)
Some of my favorite things Emma is doing right now...opening and closing every door she can, mimicking sounds we make, walking to her room and bringing out a book for us to read, tries to drink water out of closed water bottles, laughs at every move our dog Annie makes.
Being a new mommy can sometimes be overwhelming but I learn more and more each day. There are definitely times I get frustrated because I cannot figure out what Emma needs when she is crying or why she gets so easily upset over little things, but now as I look over and she has fell asleep in her Daddy's arms, all those tough times don't even matter. I LOVE everything little thing about this girl. When she reaches up for me and then lays her head on my shoulder or waddles over to me simply to give me a kiss, my heart absolutely melts. I love you sweet baby :)

Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Call to Commitment
This past Sunday at church, we had communion. Our pastor usually does a shortened version of a sermon on days we have the Lord's Supper but even though it's short it always speaks volumes to me. And this Sunday was no different. He was preaching on the fact that the "table" is a call to commitment and how it serves as a reminder to us that we should live our lives reflecting Christ in all we do. But the point that really stuck with me was this...Christ held nothing back, He gave ALL. Why then should we give anything less?
So I questioned myself, am I 100% committed to Christ? Do I give him everything in my life? I would like to say that I do but honestly I do not. I try so hard to fix things way too many times on my own. I try to handle situations in life with my own control rather than giving it to God. Some things are very easy to let God have while others seem easier to take care of myself, yet I always end up failing and ultimately hand it over to God in the end.
When I was little, I lost a Mickey Mouse necklace that my grandparents had bought for me on our trip to Disney World. I was devastated and frantically searching but having no luck. My Dad told me to stop and pray that God would help me find it. I remember thinking how silly that was and that God didn't have time to worry about my lost necklace but I tried it and literally two minutes later I found my necklace. I tell this story not to say that every time you ask for God's help you are immediately going to receive it but to show that even when you give God the smallest things in life he cares. So imagine what he could do with the big things!
I am making it my personal goal to give God all of me just as he gave me everything and held nothing back. He deserves nothing less!!
So I questioned myself, am I 100% committed to Christ? Do I give him everything in my life? I would like to say that I do but honestly I do not. I try so hard to fix things way too many times on my own. I try to handle situations in life with my own control rather than giving it to God. Some things are very easy to let God have while others seem easier to take care of myself, yet I always end up failing and ultimately hand it over to God in the end.
When I was little, I lost a Mickey Mouse necklace that my grandparents had bought for me on our trip to Disney World. I was devastated and frantically searching but having no luck. My Dad told me to stop and pray that God would help me find it. I remember thinking how silly that was and that God didn't have time to worry about my lost necklace but I tried it and literally two minutes later I found my necklace. I tell this story not to say that every time you ask for God's help you are immediately going to receive it but to show that even when you give God the smallest things in life he cares. So imagine what he could do with the big things!
I am making it my personal goal to give God all of me just as he gave me everything and held nothing back. He deserves nothing less!!

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