We watched it be built from the ground up. Our apartment we were living in at the time was 30 minutes away from the new house yet we would make many drives down there just to see the daily progress.
Our families came down to help us move in. I was lucky and got out of doing most things because I was 6 months pregnant with Emma :) So my job was setting up house, which I did pretty quickly because I couldn't wait to have everything in it's place.
We had so many great memories in our house. The biggest was bringing Emma home from the hospital to the beautiful nursery we had decorated for her.
So when God called us away from Texas in July of 2010, needless to say, it was a very emotional for us. We did not expect to be leaving our sweet little home so soon after moving in but God had bigger plans for our lives then we did and we had to follow His plan.
The house went up on the market and without much interest we struggled until we got a renter in it in November. And yet again God had bigger plans for us. We were called to move again in March, this time back to our home in Tennessee. We continued to rent our house in Texas and moved in with my mom and dad until we decided how to proceed. We decided to put the house back on the market around September and in doing so, our renter moved out. At this point, we were paying the mortgage again and needed to move forward with our lives here in Tennessee so we really needed to for the house to sell.
With each showing, we never had any further interest. It was very difficult and a time where I had to learn patience and completely trust that God had a master plan for our family. We then had a curveball thrown at us in November. A guy in our church had a house that he was selling and wanted to show it to us. We looked at it and pretty much fell in love. So now we were stuck. We can't have two house payments so all we could do was pray that if the house here was meant for us then something would happen with our house in Texas.
Then a little over a week ago, we got not one but two offers on our house. We countered and within a day someone accepted our offer, which means, as long as everything falls in to place, we have sold our house! The close date is set for March 16 or before. And while I am so excited and thankful beyond belief that this burden will be lifted, there is a part of me that is breaking. I will never again walk through the doors of my house; I will never again sit in my little girl's nursery; I will never again stand in my kitchen cooking dinner while I watch Emma playing. And I know, some may say its just a house and yes it is, but I am a very sentimental person and it was more than just a house to me. But life moves forward and I know that there are great things in store for our family in the future. I don't know if the house we love here is meant for us but I do know that wherever we end up, we will make more great memories just like we made at 500 Jennifer Drive...

Congratulations on moving forward with Gods new blessings!! Memories are the sweet stories that never leave our hearts.