It is so amazing being back home. I don't think it is really a reality to me yet. I still feel like I'm here for just a visit! So our plan is to live at my parent's house until we decide exactly where we want to buy a house here and we are also going back and forth on whether to continue renting the house we still own in Texas or to try and sell it (most likely for a big loss). We are not sure how long we will stay at my parents but they have graciously invited us in (and all our stuff!) until we are ready and can buy our own place. It is very strange to move back in with "mom and dad" after not only being married for 4 years but living 1000 miles away for four years. We are having to make many adjustments but are SO thankful for them.
Emma is absolutely eating up all the attention! And not to mention how spoiled she is getting by all her family! I'm sure after spending her days with just me and Annie the past seven months she is very thankful for new faces :). Once we got her room all set up, I think she kinda realized this was going to be home for now. She is changing so much everyday and is becoming such a little ham! She and I were in Hobby Lobby (oh how we've missed it!) the other day and she was in the best mood. She was riding in the cart and I would say "I love you" and she would reply with a wide open mouth wanting to kiss me :). I bet she did this twenty times. I keep trying to get her to say "i love you" back but all i get is kisses. And as much as I want her to say it back to me, I will take those precious kisses any day! It absolutely makes my heart melt. She then laid her face down on my hands on the cart and just loved me and said "ahhh." Oh man, she is the best little thing ever!! Here are a few pics of her enjoying her room at Grandma and Grandaddy's house. :)

I'm so excited for you! I actually had a dream about your house last night. Apparently our neighborhood was building a water park and they tore down your house to build it! Ha! Hope you are doing well.
ReplyDeleteThat girl is so stinkin cute!!! I'm glad ya'll are getting settled :) I miss you SO MUCH though!! Tell all the fam we said hello!!!