Tuesday, May 31, 2011

These are a Few of my Favorite Things!

I've decided to do a series on some of my very favorite things in life! I know that I have pictures of some of my favorite things down on the right side of my blog, but I couldn't possibly list everything. So to know a little bit more about me, I am going to do a weekly post with a different topic each week of things I love!

To start...

While summer is not my favorite time of year, there are lots of things about it that I love! So in no particular order, here a Few of my Favorite Things about Summer!
  • Summer nights ~ I love summer evenings! I love when the sun starts to set and the heat dies down but yet you still know its summertime in the air.
  • Cook-outs ~ I LOVE cook-outs! I love the smell of charcoal grills and the taste of the food when its been on the grill. I love eating outdoors too. There is just something fun about the outdoor atmosphere at mealtimes!
  • Swimming ~ I've never been an avid swimmer but I do love being out at the pool. I love sitting on the side with my feet in or sitting under an umbrella with something cool to drink!
  • Homemade Ice Cream ~ Ice cream is good no matter the season but it doesn't get much better than homemade ice cream! My very favorite is when we add oreos to it. It is nothing like the regular cookies and cream, if you've never tried it, you must!!
  • Suntan ~ now I say I love a suntan but I do not enjoy working to get one :). Laying in the sun is something I can only handle for so long and then I'm done! But I love it when my skin has that golden brown look!
  • Flip-Flops ~ those of you that know me well know that if weather permitted, I would wear flip-flops everyday! Love em!
  • Fresh Fruits ~ fruits just taste so much better in the summer!
  • The Beach ~ I don't get to go to the beach every summer but if finances allowed, I would go more than once! I love it. I love the entire atmosphere but my very favorite is the beach at night. It might be (in my opinion) the most relaxing place in the world! And my top beach spot is Hilton Head Island! It just may be my favorite place on earth thus far :).
  • Boats ~ again, if means allowed, I would own my very own boat and spend most days on it all summer long! I do not get in the lake but cruising along top in a boat is fantastic!

Saturday, May 28, 2011

The Fun Times of Summertime!!

Since we have been at our new church, we have been invited to several birthday parties. Needless to say, Emma has lots of new little friends! Today we went to our first pool party!! The weather here has been awful lately, storming pretty much every day, but it was gorgeous out today. So we got all dressed and ready for the party. My precious baby looked SO cute and had an absolute blast at the party. She loved the water last summer and seems like she loves it even more this year!! She floated around forever splashing and playing. When we got her out and dried off to leave, she wanted back in!

So we decided since she enjoyed the big pool so much she needed one of her own!! We got home a little too late to try it out this evening but we will definitely put it to good use starting tomorrow! She was rolling around in it kicking her feet as if she knew exactly what it was :). 

Monday, May 16, 2011

A Golden Calf

Yesterday at church, the sermon was titled "The gods we serve." Notice the lowercase "g" because the sermon was all the about the idols in our lives, or the things that take the place of God in our lives. Our pastor was out of town so our associate pastor was preaching and he said that most of us hear the word idol and think we don't have idols in our lives. He referenced Exodus 32 which talks about when Moses had led the Israelites out of Egypt, through the parted Red Sea where the Egyptians were all swallowed up by the waters. Moses was up on Mount Sinai receiving instructions from God and the Israelites were getting impatient about his return. So they decided to construct something they could worship and the result was the golden calf.

When I think of the word "idols," I immediately think of something such as the golden calf, something like a statue that is worshipped. But this is not exclusively what idols can be. Our associate pastor gave us four points that can help us recognize idols in our lives.

~ Idols compete for the place of God. (Idols get your eyes, time, and energy)
~Idols always reflect our culture. (We are attracted to things of the world so we do not stand out as being different, as having Christ's love in our lives.)
~Idols always have a repetitive nature and an addictive power.
~Idols are always fiercely defended.

For me personally, I realized that I have several idols in my life because each and everyday, there are things I put above God. For example, Will and I made a commitment at the beginning of this year that we were going to read through the Bible, something that I shamefully admit, have never done. We started out doing very well yet we have slowly slacked off. So many times I'll get in bed to read that day's reading and I will be too tired or I will start watching tv and end up not reading. So I think, well I'll catch up tomorrow, and then my day starts and I get doing one thing after another and yet again, haven't read. There are even days that go by and I realize I didn't even pray. Why do I do this? My God deserves so much more than this from me and yet so often I fail at giving him everything. I put other things in my day in front of spending time with Him, and nothing I do throughout my day is more important than giving God my time for Him.

There are many things in this world that can come in front of God and become idols in our lives. An idol is not just a worshipped golden calf, it can be our jobs, our hobbies, our interests, our familes' activities, etc. What is it for you? What comes before God in your own life? Christ gave everything for us and deserves nothing less in return.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day!

The word mother is defined as the female parent; one who cares; one who acts maternally. But as we all know, a mother is so much more than this. A mother is a 24 hour a day 7 days a week job. Yet I almost don't like to use the word job, because many of us relate this word to an unpleasant thing and motherhood is far from being anything unpleasant. But in all reality, it is a job. Not a job that we choose but one we are given by God. It is an honor to be called a mother, and I believe that God blesses those of us who are mothers with the task of raising our children, whether we actually give birth to them, adopt them, or simply help in raising them. I thank Him each and everyday for choosing me to be Emma's mother. I know I talk about her quite often in this blog, but she is my whole life right now and I am CRAZY over her!

I've always greatly appreciated my own mom. We have always been very close and our relationship has only grown since I became a mom myself. But I don't think I fully understood how much my mom loved me until I had Emma. It is because of the love my mom gives me each and everyday that I am able to be the mother I am to Emma. I was fortunate to always have my mom there for me whenever I needed her and I always want to be there for Emma. My mom has grown to be my friend, and I already look forward to the days when Emma thinks of me as her friend (but I'm definitely not rushing it!).

I have a completely different outlook on life as a mom. Emma helps me to be an all around happier person as I watch how the smallest things in life enthuse her. She has taught me to not fret over the small things because at the end of the day, as you hold a sleeping baby in your arms, you quickly remember what's most important in life. She can smile and make all things better. She can laugh and make my heart melt. She can kiss me and make my eyes fill with the most joyous tears.

So my own definition of a mother...one who first loves God, shows this love in everything she does, loves her children unconditionally, and tells them all about the love God has for them. A mother always teaches, she always listens, she always gives, and she always cares . My mom is these things to me and I only hope that I am always these things for Emma and any other children I am blessed to call my own.

Happy Mother's Day!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Check this Out!

My friend Brittany, who happens to be one of my inspirations for joining the blogging world, is doing a blog series on the not so glamourous moments of motherhood. Brittany is an amazing mother, friend, and her blog shines of her sweet and joyful spirit. She is having different moms post some great stories and she is also having a giveaway! Check out her blog Naturally Estes and see my not so glamourous mommy moment as well as some great others!!