I've always greatly appreciated my own mom. We have always been very close and our relationship has only grown since I became a mom myself. But I don't think I fully understood how much my mom loved me until I had Emma. It is because of the love my mom gives me each and everyday that I am able to be the mother I am to Emma. I was fortunate to always have my mom there for me whenever I needed her and I always want to be there for Emma. My mom has grown to be my friend, and I already look forward to the days when Emma thinks of me as her friend (but I'm definitely not rushing it!).
I have a completely different outlook on life as a mom. Emma helps me to be an all around happier person as I watch how the smallest things in life enthuse her. She has taught me to not fret over the small things because at the end of the day, as you hold a sleeping baby in your arms, you quickly remember what's most important in life. She can smile and make all things better. She can laugh and make my heart melt. She can kiss me and make my eyes fill with the most joyous tears.
So my own definition of a mother...one who first loves God, shows this love in everything she does, loves her children unconditionally, and tells them all about the love God has for them. A mother always teaches, she always listens, she always gives, and she always cares . My mom is these things to me and I only hope that I am always these things for Emma and any other children I am blessed to call my own.
Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day! Can't wait til I can hug that sweet girl and watch Dora with her :) Love you all!!!