#1 |
#2 |
#3 |
#4 |
#5 |
#6 |
#7 |
#8 |
#9 |
#10 |
#11 |
#12 |
#13 |
#14 |
#15 |
#16 |
#17 |
#18 |
#19 |
#20 |
#21 |
#22 |
#23 |
#24 |
#25 |
#26 |
#27 |
#28 |
#29 |
#30 |
#1: Just Married; #2: Dirty Dancing; #3: How the Grinch Stole Christmas; #4 Ocean's Eleven; #5 Miracle on 34th Street; #6 Christmas Vacation; #7: The Polar Express; #8: The Santa Clause; #9: The Santa Clause 2; #10: Home Alone; #11: Home Alone 2 Lost in New York; #12: Christmas with the Kranks; #13: How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days; #14: Sweet Home Alabama; #15: Two Weeks Notice; #16: The Wedding Date; #17: Remember the Titans; #18: The Notebook; #19: The Italian Job; #20: Pretty Woman; #21: The Wizard of Oz; #22: The Sound of Music; #23: National Treasure; #24: The Holiday; #25: Father of the Bride Part 2; #26: Runaway Bride; #27: Father of the Bride; #28: Notting Hill; #29:The Other Sister; #30: The Proposal
SO got all of the movies except for #24 the Holiday...but as soon as I saw the answer, the pic totally made sense!