~ Grandma ~
My Grandma - when I think of her so many things come to mind. To name just a few: piano, singing, holiday decorations, Hilton Head Island, "Somewhere Over the Rainbow", Taco Bell, Snickerdoodle cookies, lilacs, emeralds, peas and potatoes, brach candies...the list could go on and on :). I have been close to my Grandma for as long as I can remember. When my mom was pregnant with Blake and Mandy, she was on bedrest and in the hospital for quite some time so I stayed with my Grandma and Granddaddy and I think this is where our closeness started. I remember being little and begging to spend the night at their house. Whenever I was there, I felt like I was a princess. Grandma and I would stay up late watching the soap operas she had recorded or watching old movies like "The King and I" or "The Sound of Music." She taught me how to sing and play the piano and was always so proud of me with everything I did. And now not only is she Grandma but she is Gigi. Emma loves her Gigi and has brought so much joy to Grandma's life. I love her dearly and I am so thankful to have her as my Grandma. ~ Grandaddy ~
My Grandaddy - where do I begin..."The Wizard of Oz", Angel Baby, Dickens houses, Hilton Head Island, boston baked beans, apple pie, halloween costume pictures, christmas morning Santa Clause reports, Alaska, Disney World... I think the things are miss the most about him are his smile and his hugs. I loved the way he smelled and there are times when I can still feel what it felt like to be in his arms. When I was little and staying at their house, I would hide at the top of the stairs when I saw him pull in the driveway from work and jump out and scare him as he came up. I now know he always knew I was there :) but acted surprised each and every time! In his eyes, I could do no wrong. He gave me everything I ever wanted and enjoyed each second of spoiling me rotten. I wish he could see where I am now and how beautiful his great granddaughter is. I know he would be head over heels for Emma. He was the absolute kindest, most intelligent person I've known. If I needed to know the answer to something random, I could always call him up and he knew right off. I miss him so much it hurts deep inside but the comforting part is I know that one day I will get to have one of those great hugs again and I am so thankful that I have no doubt of where he is right now...I love you Grandaddy...
~ Mamaw ~
My Mamaw - Oh my goodness... sweet tea!, banana pudding, Thanksgiving, visits to Oakwood, the weather :), potato salad, Oscar the grouch, water beds, Chaco's mexican restaurant, milky way cake, the Schwans man... It's not too hard to tell that my Mamaw can cook! For as long as I can remember, one of my favorite things about going to my Mamaw's house was finding out what treat she had waiting for us. She always has sweet tea in the fridge and some type of dessert. And now that Emma has come along, she always has a bowl of goodies waiting on her. Emma has figured that out and knows which cabinet to go to for her treats! Mamaw is the sweetest most down to earth lady in the world. I think she is absolutely fantastic! Her hospitality is so amazing and you can feel how much she cares for you just in the sound of her voice. Love her!
~ Papaw ~
My Papaw - :) Papaw... Nascar racing, the Eagle Club, air conditions, pork chops!, pepper, "pretty good", westerns, Jovan Musk, white fudge oreos... My Papaw is the most laid back man I know and it's my favorite thing about him. He has this dry humor and he doesn't really say much but when he does, you always laugh. He has been through a lot with his health and has never missed a beat. His spirits are still high even after losing the majority of his sight and suffering through the effects of a stroke. You will never hear the man complain about anything. I admire him so much and wish I would be more like that. I love to watch him interact with Emma. She brings out a side of him we don't get to see much since he had his stroke. It warms my heart to hear him laugh at the things she does and she is crazy about him! Her favorite thing is giving him hugs and he eats up every minute of it!

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